Han Seo Yeon (Ji-Yeon) is a bright, healthy, and outgoing high school student who dreams of becoming a model, but she's worried about being rejected due to her height. Jin-wook (Kang Dong-ho) is one of the top male models in Korea. Han Seo Yeon and Jin-wook meet each other at a casting, where Jin-wook is one of the judges. During the casting, Jin-wook harshly treats Seo Yeon because he thinks she's too short for a model, and she leaves disappointed.Then her childhood friend Na-rae (Kisum) takes her to a karaoke barto cheer her up. Unbeknownst to her, Jin-wook is also in the bar celebrating his friend's birthday, then later an incident occurs where Jin-wook and Seo Yeon switch bodies after being electrocuted during a storm. They must find a way to switch their bodies back without getting caught by their friends.