Set in South Korea, the drama’s first 6 episodes focus on the childhoods of Yoo Ji-Ho and Yoo In-Ha. Yoo Ji-Ho lived with his grandmother. One day, during a thunderstorm, his grandma is killed, after being run over by a mysterious black car. Afterwards, Yoo Ji-Ho is invited into the family of Yoo In-Ha.
Yoo In-Ha is the son of a wealthy CEO of a piano company. He is an overly cocky piano prodigy, winning all of the competitions he enters. After his father introduces Yoo Ji-Ho is introduced as the elder son of Yoo In-Ha’s father, Yoo In-Ha begins to feel threatened by Yoo Ji-Ho, who has lots of musical talent.
Chae Yeong-rang, Yoo In-Ha’s mother, is forced to accept Yoo Ji-Ho as her son. Shewas extremely unhappy about this, especially after discovering that her husband plans to hand the company down to Yoo Ji-Ho, instead of Yoo In-Ha. After arguing with her husband, she unintentionally striked her husband down onto the ground, causing his head to bleed. Fearing that she killed her husband, she fled, but discovers that the house is on fire, unintentionally caused by her mother in law, who fell asleep after lighting the candles on a birthday cake. The mother in law rushed out of the house, begging a [deaf] and [mute] street dessert vendor to help her rescue her two grandsons.
The street dessert vendor’s daughter was friends with both Yoo Ji-Ho and Yoo In-Ha. Her name is Hong Da-mi. Yoo Ji-Ho taught the girl her first piano piece, while Yoo In-Ha gave her official piano lessons.
Realizing that her son is still upstairs, she rushed upstairs to rescue her son from the fire. She unintentionally rescued Yoo Ji-Ho instead of Yoo In-Ha, believing that Yoo Ji-Ho was her actual son, because he was wearing the bunny pajamas that she gave to her actual son. After realizing that she rescued the other son, she attempted to reenter the building, but was stopped by firefighters.
Yoo In-Ha sustained major injuries, caused by the fire, but was thankfully saved by the street desert vendor. Unfortunately, he died, after a chandelier fell on top of him. Yoo In-Ha discovered that his fingers are ruined, due to the fire. His mother ordered the doctor to have a skin-graft surgery, which would allow Yoo In-Ha to play the piano once more. After the surgery, Yoo In-Ha discovered that he could no longer move his pinky finger, resulting in much anguish. Yoo In-Ha attempted to commit suicide, but was saved by his older brother, Yoo Ji-Ho.
After being interrogated by police about the fire, Chae Yeong-rang blamed the street vendor for the fire, claiming that he was a thief. The street vendor’s family is shamed and forced to move away.
14 years later, Yoo Ji-Ho and Yoo In-Ha meet Hong Da-mi again, competing for her love. Who will win?