Why do people over here like Stayc's So Bad so much? lilaac Feb 19th 2022 To me the chorus of So Bad just sounds so catchy, can't stop listening to it... But I mean it is great that there is variety in people's music tastes!
How many hours of sleep a night do you usually get? lilaac Feb 15th 2022 7-9. If I sleep less than 7 I do not function properly.
[BTS CONTENT] Which fanmade Netflix show would you watch? lilaac Feb 15th 2022 Life goes on and House of CardsThey all look amazing though!
Tea or coffee? lilaac Feb 9th 2022 Tea for sure. Green. Plain, no sugar or milk. The best.Coffee makes me jump on the walls. Too much caffeine.
What Kpop song are you currently listening to? lilaac Feb 6th 2022 So Bad by STAYC is stuck in my head