Posts by cominghome

    "Whenever I want you, all I have to do is dream"

    -- The Everly Brothers

    To defy Power, which seems omnipotent. And if it really was omnipotent, what then? What if it didn't seem to be but was? What kind of being was he, that he could dare to challenge it? He had asked her to let him go and she had, and she felt his leaving as though the vast implosion within her went on and would go on without an end.

    It took the tattoo female a long time to reach her apartment again. In the lounge the television was on. She saw again his face.

    She hid herself too, for a long time afterwards, one way or another. She ran to hide, from what she had understood, what she had touched, what had touched her. She ran as though to escape its notice. Jungkook and his disappearance from her life ceased to be news, and she didn't dare pursue what the world outside of them didn't want pursued: even to think of doing that made her afraid, made her think of running again.

    Early one morning, she got up and walked down the narrow steps of her apartment complex and into the market crowds. The city's smell was distinct; the tattoo female thought every city had its own, one you recognize when you return to it even if you can't remember it when you're away: it's what makes you know it's actual, not a notion or a dream, this smell of yeast and mist and drainpipes, warm stone and the exhalations of open windows, unique and indisputable.