Earlier than I expected. When does the reality show starts?
Posts by tongos
Circular blush clown is the hot trend this summer
No way minors perform for the army
Both are mediocre and its a shame cause with these songs I don't see them capitalize on any remaining queendom hype
Can she even do that? Isn't she liable to lawsuit now?
Hyoyeon always looked better with dark hair, never understood her obsession with blonde
does marvel own this kind of poster composition?
Of course no red and blue posters have been standard for action movies for decades
It's great that it's getting tv broadcast. kinda rare nowadays. Hyped for this !
Oh boy can't wait for the NFTS she will churn out with this comeback!
Is anyone even using google in Korea? Isn't naver the go-to search engine?
Yay for me! As for the mv it was supposed to be filmed in a rush because the files for the original were corrupted and the whole comeback was delayed. 2014 was not a good year for snsd and this was just the start
I don't know who invented it but the 2 minute ending fairies must end already