Why Liskook should have happened instead of Jennie and G dragon *Controversial opinion* don't click if you get offended easily bubbles0610 Mar 7th 2021 Quote from luviellythe2nd I think Liskook would have been a lot better 1.Jungkook is still very young unlike G dragon who's close to his middle age 2.Blinks would have accepted it way more 3.their age gap would be better 4.It would shock the whole world As someone who is only a month older than GD I am most definitely not middle aged. As the saying goes its 30, flirty and thriving.
Why you don't accept my news? bubbles0610 Mar 7th 2021 Hi I submitted an article on Minari a couple of hours ago and I still have not seen it posted? Any feedback on when it will be approved?