S.K COVID DEATHS RECORD = 186 *Dead* in *One Day* ; 2022.03.04

  • apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-health-skorea-pandemics

    South Korea eases distancing despite record virus deaths ; 2022.03.04

    Observation -->

    Still , S.KOREA = *high percentage* of population = VACCINATED.

    Therefore , the DEATHS that are happening , it could be MUCH WORSE.

    Mostly , S.KOREANS will *not* need to be even HOSPITALIZED , even

    IF they are COVID OMICRON infected.

    NOT saying any of this is 'good news' for S.KOREA.

    Only that (again) , it could be MUCH WORSE.

    And S.KOREA HOSPITALS and WORKERS are likely


    Due to *DEADLY SICK* infections *filling* ALL HOSPITAL BEDS.

    Edited once, last by krell ().

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “S.K COVID DEATHS RECORD = 186 *Dead* in ONE DAY ; 2022.03.04” to “S.K COVID DEATHS RECORD = 186 *Dead* in *One Day* ; 2022.03.04”.

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