My name is HeartStar! My specialty is that I am a Kpop reviewer based in Ithaca, NY. Due to my seasonal depression and lack of money to buy kpop albums, I decided to make a YouTube channel and name it CottonCandyReviews, after my favorite treat! This is my first KPop album review and I am taking a look at Chungha's first studio album, Querencia! Overall it is a more complete work than your average kpop album. Despite me being dissatisfied with the minimal features and the bloat started to show near the end of the album, I gave this album an 8/10. It is very solid for a first album, and it shows glimpses of the globalization of Kpop (a Spanish song in a kpop album????) . Much better than the usual kpop fair.
I could write an essay here but excuse me while I eat more ice cream!