I. Synopsis
Based on real-life cases, this Korean drama focuses on a group of detectives in the Seoul Gangnam Police Homicide Division who solve crimes with their variety of skills and investigative methods. At the forefront of the team is the hotheaded detective Park Se-hyuk (Song II-gook) and the cold, commanding police chief, Jung Il-do (Lee Jong-hyuk). Se-hyuk's impulsive, act-first-think-later methods, instincts honed on the streets, and pesky habit of threatening resignation clashes with his superior Il-do's strict, by-the-book style. The two also share a painful past, with Il-do being the detective on the case involving the death of Se-hyuk's daughter. Along with tenacious reporter Jo Min-joo (Song Ji-hyo) and the rest of the homicide squad, they must now overcome their differences to solve crimes together.