Posts by sick-beats


    Make the tea public

    could it be over Seungri? One of them wanted him back the other didn't?

    Yoo I thought I was the only one thinking that way but it makes sense doesn't it?

    My theory is that gd thought of it like the group leader and wanted the group to continue without seungri whereas top wanted him back.. idk why but it's just my gut feeling.. Top was pretty broken after his scandal and he even said that he didn't want nothing to do with korea so it makes more sense for him to do something like this.. But then he wouldn't do that unless seungri wasn't guilty..would he? Tbh I'm not even sure what happened with seungri.. was he proven guilty or not? There are people saying that he's innocent and that he just gambled but the Korean public seem to hate him and want him banned. Does anyone have a clue about what happened? I used to like seungri when he was in the band before the scandal so it'd be nice to know something :')