Why do KPOP stans fetishize their faves being hated?

  • I just know some fandoms are here in anons setting their faves up so they can cry on main next week about how hated they are

    Not to mention the common "why is X group so hated" threads on here, which are obviously just to fish for the "because everyone sees them as a THREAT" and "because they are oh so successful" comments (although I will admit that the hold that BP has on their antis after a two year hiatus is fair game for discussion because at this point it needs to be studied)

    99% of the time your faves are hated because your fandom is annoying lol it's pretty simple

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  • I call bs on this troll thread.

    Fans aren't creating the bait threads where everyone can bash those fans' bias group, that's trolls and antis. How stupid do you think people are?

    And fans boasting about their bias' wins and achievements isn't 'setting them up', only the antis would think that way, the people that can't handle it when other groups are doing well and their fans are celebrating.

    Basically, it's people like you that are extremely annoying. Get a life, stick to your own bias group and avoid threads about other groups if you can't stand these groups. Any well adjusted person can do at least that.

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