Posts by whiffy

    I don't care I will use however I like and if you and anyone else have a problem with it that still isn't my problem

    of course you can do whatever you want lol no one’s gonna stop you. We’re not your mother.

    Just don’t be surprised when your glaring errors get corrected and your credibility plummets down the drain. Lord knows your arguments shouldn’t be taken seriously now if this is how you respond to having simple undebatable mistakes pointed out - hostile and refusing to acknowledge when you’re wrong

    Wrong. If you are one of the top cars at the moment but sold 3x less than your current competition when just released at the market, it means at very least that you were undervalued compared to other top cars at the time.

    it takes 2 seconds to look up in a dictionary the meaning of an idiom in a foreign language you’re not well-versed in btw 🫠 could’ve saved so much time with this back and forth when you’re clearly in the wrong lol

    You do know that a rag literally means a dirty cloth used to wipe the floor, and the “rags” in “rags-to-riches stories” originally refer to people living in such poverty they have to use rags as actual clothes, right? It absolutely does NOT mean just simply starting from a lower point than everyone else like you think lol. If you’re not on the verge of starving and being homeless, you do NOT qualify as “rags” simply based on actual the definition of the word, no matter how much of an underdog you are and how much you love to boast about it

    Should’ve just admitted you used the wrong idiom and moved on instead of doubling down on such an easy thing to verify :pepe-cringe:

    But if JYP was able to do it 2 years ago

    It means that he still have the feels

    Is he just getting lazy ? Or wasting too much time drinking with BSH when he should focus on his group ?

    not sure you made any sense lol

    You can produce the best masterpiece this world has ever seen and still make no noise and money for it if nobody checks it out and gives it the validation and commercial success it deserves in the first place. There are countless artists who never experienced fame and fortune while they were alive - Edgar allan poe didn’t suddenly produce more groundbreaking works after he died to be considered one of the greatest poets now; his body of work just got re-evaluated and more people only got to know and appreciate him after his death. He certainly didn’t get to enjoy much of his prestige himself during his life.

    Circling back to kpop, whether jyp still has enough creative juice left in him to produce hit songs is irrelevant, if nobody paid attention to his work in the first place. Your attempt at shading him doesn’t quite land in this case lol. This applies to every other company and brand. It’s not rocket science

    But itzy, twice and nmixx have been doing badly for years now

    And in the middle of all these years it didn't stop Nayeon from getting a hit with POP

    nayeon’s case was the outlier - she shouldn’t be treated as the rule here. She was the first twice member to have an official solo release in 7 years, which was much later than twice’s contemporaries, so it’s not hard to understand why the curiosity and hype surrounding such novelty propelled her song to the top of charts right from the start. Of course the song being a catchy summer bop helped sustain its charting, but at least the initial spark was there.

    You just need to look at nayeon’s sophomore release’s performance this year to see that pop was a one-time thing and the hype was not quite sustainable - again, it’s all about jyp’s branding

    The answer is jyp. It’s not a coincidence that suddenly twice, itzy and now nmixx all can’t produce a hit song in korea to save their life. The jyp brand has lost a lot of its power and prestige; people outside the hardcore kpop fan bubble simply don’t check out its groups’ releases anymore, be it an old favourite like twice or a new rookie like nmixx. Itzy was just the “middleman” in that downward spiral, so to speak.

    Fromis_9 :

    (G)-Idle : don’t really have a bias but miyeon is distractingly pretty. It used to be soojin’s voice which i liked the most when she was in the group

    Izone : chaewon :lover1:

    Itzy : yeji i guess but i don’t really keep up with them

    aespa :

    StayC : j is one of the most underrated visuals of her gen. I don’t really have a bias tho

    IVE : don’t really have a bias but leeseo’s singing voice gives her the edge

    Newjeans : hanni <3

    Le Sserafim : chaewon again lol

    Illit : same as ive but with minju

    Kiss of Life : same as ive but with belle lol

    Babymonster :

    NMIXX :

    Kep1er : love youngeun’s singing and dancing, but i wouldn’t say i have a bias. Yeseo’s visuals seem slept on for some reason

    You'd better not be referring to me, because I thought the days of binary thinking and toxic labels were behind us with the death of the Megathread. This constant demand that you echo the same sentiments as the rest of the chamber or you pardon everything MHJ has said or done is extremely destructive for any meaningful discussion of this topic.

    i know you're not her simp in the same vein as t********* or t********* or a********** so no need to flinch if the shoe doesn't fit lol

    i will say that when you exerted so much time and energy defending her actions in every single thread without also criticising her in equal measures (whether bc you want to stick it to "hybe stans" or bc you actually endorse her), it does give the impression that you find her behaviour excusable, in which case you've already picked a side just like everyone else despite your aversion to "binary thinking" or belief that you're above it

    even i know that nj has enjoyed some perks that their peers don't thanks to mhj, but i can also recognise the unhealthy relationship she has fostered with them. and imo, the tradeoff is not worth it. that's the side i pick, after weighing both options. so you tell me if that's "binary thinking" or not :pepe-shrug:

    me Daisy in this thread:


    someone's gotta put those demented mhj simps in their place bc lord knows they've been running their mouths unchecked for long enough

    all i gotta say is no amount of "good deeds" mhj did to treat nj members can justify her behaviour towards her employees (and underaged ones at that). the power imbalance alone is enough to deem her actions wildly inappropriate and frankly creepy, let alone when you take in other factors. it's giving classic narcissism & grooming 101. she's a walking red flag, and i fear for the nj members when one day all this will blow up with unforeseen repercussions to come, especially when there are enablers of mhj everywhere, from inside their circle to their "fans" (some of whom actually value mhj even more than the nj members <X ).

    making the entire song a glorified extended rap session full of sing-talking and no harmonising or vocals was a choice.. :meme-side-eye: a waste of the groovy & funky instrumentals honestly

    also the full song isn't even 2 and a half minutes long?? this is a new low even for the current trend of shaving off songs to boost streaming numbers. wtf is bep doing with this title track

    Lol what are the odds that i stan chaewon and hanni, both of whom blew up in japan thanks to a cover of a japanese song, and yet neither of them are japanese lol

    T*******y crying blood rn looking at hanni going viral :pepe-joy: :pepe-toilet:

    Anyway watching hanni completely owning whatever stage she’s on has been a real satisfying experience. I remember last year she had a short dancing stage on weverse con with danielle and they were smoking hot 🥵, whilst the hanni of this japanese cover is so naturally cute and charming. You look at her perform and you think her charisma must be natural-born with how comfortable and in-her-elements she looks no matter the stage’s concept, but her pre-debut covers show just how much she’s improved and what appears to be innate performing instincts have actually been honed with a lot of hard work.

    Aside from her godlike vocal colour, hanni’s performing abilities & charisma & charms are what really drew me to her and cemented her as one of my biases. The same thing basically applies to chaewon for me too lol. Stanning 2 talented legends means i never lose :smirks:

    Remember MHJ herself created ador bc the girlies at the time didn't have an agency due to Bang PD's ignorance, there wouldn't be a NewJeans for anyone to stan. The cowardness spewing from your mouth just shows how naive and condescending

    lol, imagine if some deranged bang shooter called him god for debuting bts or “believing in them” not disbanding them despite their flopping in their rookie years?

    Imagine if jyp or sm, or god forbid yg, or any other company ceo really, were worshipped for having the funding or vision to debut the groups they did, despite the obstacles or setbacks or whatever that they faced?

    Can you imagine how big of a laughing stock these lunatic ceo stans would become and the clowning they would receive?

    And yet, mhj stans are out here being proud that they stan her and idolise her even more than they do the actual idols in her company? Like i said, company stans wish they reached this level of derangement and lunacy lol. I guess mhj really paved the way for a new kind of mental illness, yall must be proud of her achievements :meme-happy-cry: The deranged section of taylor swift stans finally found a worthy opponent :meme-happy-cry:

    HYBE stans getting angry that they can't openly support Bang PD and resorts to hating/attacking NewJeans instead .

    is the “hating/attacking nj” in the room with us right now? Literally not a single person in this thread has said any word about nj, let alone attacking them. And literally no hybe stan has even made a post in this thread

    You do know that mhj isn’t an actual nj member right? And that criticising her doesn’t equal hating nj? Bc if you can’t tell the distinction then oh boy, i got bad news for ya :pepe-cringe: Company stans wish they were this delusional and lacking self-awareness lol

    Worshipping and being this obsessed with a narcissistic millionaire just bc she played yall so well like a fiddle with her “david vs goliath” narrative has got to be a new low for kpop stans. The degree of being brainwashed is insane

    You somehow managing to be the dumbest newjeans fan in this thread is an accomplishment, you for sure are nuts because I'm not invested enough in this forum to create another account, but if you want to cope like that loser, go ahead.

    Aside from the usual insults - a favourite move from people who can’t hold an argument for 2 seconds without resorting to personal attacks - the fact that you think i’m as much of a loser as yall to care or “cope” if some losers fight each other about some random people’s achievements online :meme-kek:

    idgaf if you go after nj or any other group for “flopping” or whatever; you’ve already demonstrated how pathetic you are (tho you’re not alone in that, i’ll give you that), why tf would i care what you say lol

    Just calling out what i see as i see it, you don’t need to act so sensitive like i touched a nerve or sth :teeheek:

    Says the user who has made like a bajillion accs at this point, don’t project on me :suure:

    nuh uh, i’ve never had more than 1 active acc at the same time; don’t try to lump me in with the likes of you :fingerk:

    not my fault this forum loves to sweep its owner’s crimes under a rug, and you can literally be banned at the blink of at eye if you so much as breathe a word of criticism of the incompetence of the people at the top :teeheek: