Posts by suhaill

    hello I am known as suhaill. firstly, congratulation on your comeback, Splash!!! glad that this comeback you received more love from NOWs and got a better achievement. I am proud of you.

    my question -

    1 - so far we already got lien, junhyuk & khael that participated in wrote a lyrics. any member plan to write a lyrics for next album?? have you plan to make an album that all produce by MIRAE itself. like write a lyrics, composer, etc or maybe with design the album 😅

    2 - any variety show that you wish to be guest?

    3 - lastly, what your wish to MIRAE in next 5years?

    sorry if my question is too many, you can choose one if it :) wishing you all the best, be more successful group. end Splash promotion with successful!! stay humble and I will always keep supporting you!! from Malaysia NOWs 💙