Posts by ROGUEX-94

    aww look at the hopefuls! Anywhom all jokes aside let's not forget that SM only keep young ripe fruit int heir active groups until they mature too much and become practically fermented. Actually most Kpop entertainment industries keep young groups alive while letting those that are reaching their 30s drop down to let the "new talent" spring forward. Haven't you learned by now about the patterns of the shady ass industry?

    Once a group reaches their 7 year mark there is a new debut group ready to take over leaving the older group eating dust. The older groups are left to fend for themselves while newer groups are being aided 24/7.

    Much like management helps 1st shift by holding their hands as they thread the water, while 2nd shift drowns and third is left to rot underwater.

    It is inevitable, I hate to say it but Asia has the highest fetish for young/old attraction in the world and yes you can google it. Older men/women love younger, fresher looking studs/ladies. The entertainment industry treats it like a pokemon rally, brand new pocket monsters being developed and you could get this limited edition pack if you pay the right price. Brand new monsters added every 5-7 years, just wait for more monsters to be made by the artists and you have more powerful and gorgeous, adorable new fiends to battle with. This is the harsh reality of it and there is no end. Kpop Artists are being exploited left and right they can't even come out clean about their relationships because of how delusional fanatics are over their "oppars" and "unniers." Humans do not belong to you, CALM DOWN!

    Why the generalization though? You can't speak for the entire 7 billion people on earth by saying "no one uses/listens to CDs anymore."

    That's like saying that no one uses vinyls anymore when they're actually being mass produced now even for newer music. Compact Discs, Vinyls, VHS, even Tape Cassette players are still in use because people like these things and wish to continue using them. I have a lot of CDs and occasionally play them just for the nostalgia, same way someone might play a retro gaming device like the Super Nintendo or an Atari because they want those memories back. A lot of the things that people are using today, including style "trends" have been considered "uncool" in past generations. And now the price for everything is skyrocketing as if it were a brand new invention. Just a few cents to add.