Posts by AB6IX

    ABNEW~ 항상 응원해주시고 사랑해주셔서 감사합니다! 오늘 정말 재밌었어요~ 여러분도 재밌었길 바랍니다!

    조만간 다시 꼭 봐요. 다시 만날 때까지 건강하게 있기 약속! 안녕~~

    Thank you so much for your love and support. We had a good time, and I hope you enjoyed as well. Hopefully I will see you again. Be healthy until we meet again! AB6IX loves all of you!! Cheer up, everyone! Peace!!

    Hello, AB6IX!!

    What was the best advice you received as trainee that you still go by? also what advice would you give to other trainees in the K-Pop industry if asked?

    우진 : ‘포기하지 마’라는 말을 들었었고, 가수를 준비하는 연습생 친구들에게 같은 말을 해주고 싶네요. 노력한만큼 좋은 결과가 있을거니까 힘내세요~!

    WOOJIN : The best advice I received while training was to Never give up and I want to say the same thing to the trainees. There will be a good result since you all tried hard, so hang in there!

    대휘 : 팬데믹 때문에 팬분들도 친구들도 가족들도 잘 못 만나는 이 현실이 너무 싫었어요. 코로나 이후의 삶을 기대하며 쓴 곡입니다🙏🏻

    웅 : 많은 가능성을 열어두고 있습니다. 조금만 기다려주세요!!

    동현 : 늘 언제나 어디서든 함께해주는 우리 ABNEW 너무너무 고맙고 사랑합니다. 시국이 시국인지라 코로나가 종식될 때까지는 집에서 쉬어요 우리 ㅠ

    DAEHWI : I wrote this song because I was looking forward to life after the pandemic and I disliked the fact that I could not meet my friends and family because of the pandemic. 🙏🏻

    WOONG : We are open to the possibility of debuting in everywhere so please wait.

    DONGHYUN : We are always thankful and love ABNEW. We will be resting at our home until the pandemic ends.

    Hi AB6IX! Congratulations on your comeback. I love "Close" a lot. The MV imagery is beautiful.

    I know that you are closely involved with your music in terms of writing and producing, but do you also get to be involved in your concept planning?

    대휘 : 현재는 회사에서 많은 부분을 정해주고 계세요. 시간이 좀 흐르면 하나씩 참여해볼 수 있지 않을까요?! 조금만 기다려주세요!!

    DAEHWI: Currently the company is doing the concept planning but in the future we would like to try. Just wait a little longer!!

    1. 우진 : 바로 저 아닐까요ㅎ

    2. 대휘 : 관객들과 소통할 수 있는 곡들이요! 룰루랄라 (LULULALA), LOVE AIR 등 신나는 무대를 할때면 기분이 좋아지는 것 같아요!


    웅 : 딥하우스?!

    동현 : 어쿠스틱 알앤비

    우진 : 힙합을 선택할 것 같아요

    대휘 : 저는 제가 제일 잘할 수 있는 음악!! 하나로 단정 짓고 싶진 않아요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

    1. WOOJIN: I think it would be me hehe

    2. DAEHWI: The song I can communicate with audiences. Lululala & Love Air because I feel good when I perform dance music.


    WOONG : Deephouse?!

    DONGHYUN : Acoustic R&B

    WOOJIN : I think I'll choose Hip-hop

    DAEHWI : I don't want to choose only one but if I had to I would choose the one I'm best at hehehehe

    Hi AB6IX!! <3

    What do you want to say to those ABNEWS or to those people who are having a hard time in studying because of the pandemic?

    and What concept do you want to do for the next comeback?

    동현 : 코로나 때문에 친구들과의 다양하고 많은 추억을 쌓는 데에 한계가 있어서 너무 안타까워요. 그래도 너무 우울해하지 말고 현재 상황에서 할 수 있는 것을 위주로 방역 수칙 준수하면서 좋은 추억들 많이 만들었으면 좋겠어요!

    DONGHYUN : It's sad that we can't make the great memories with friends due to COVID. Don't get depressed and make great memories with your friends under these circumstances. Of course don't forget to follow the COVID guidelines!

    1. 우진 : 저라면… 대휘이지 않을까..


    웅 : 넌 잘 될 거야! 힘내!!!

    동현 : 내일 휴일이야~~~

    우진 : 괜찮아 다 지나갈 거야 힘내

    대휘 : 정말 잘하고 있어. 그냥 계속하던 대로 해💪🏻


    웅 : 우리 AB6IX를 기다려주시는 팬분들이 계시는 모든 곳을 가고 싶습니다. ABNEW 조금만 기다려~

    동현 : 어느 나라인지는 중요하지 않은 것 같아요. 팬분들을 직접 만날 수 있다면 어디든 가고 싶어요

    우진 : 모든 나라에서 콘서트하고 싶어요

    대휘 : 저는 ABNEW가 있는 곳이라면 어디든!!

    1. WOO JIN : If I were to choose.... I will choose DAEHWI.


    WOONG: You will be well. Cheer up!

    DONGHYUN : It's holiday tomorrow!

    WOOJIN : It's all good, and it will be passed away. Cheer up!

    DAEHWI : You are doing good. Just keep doing as you've been doing!🏻


    WOONG: If there is AB6IX fans, we would like to go anywhere. Please wait for us ABNEW.

    DONGHYUN : Countries don't matter. We could go anywhere if we can meet fans.

    WOOJIN: I would love to do a concert anywhere in the world.

    DAEHWI: Anywhere as long as there are ABNEW!!

    1. if you weren't an idol what would you be now?

    2. is there anything you wanted to tell to those Abnew's who's feeling down?

    1. 웅 : 승무원이 되고 싶었던 적이 있어서 아마 승무원을 하고 있지 않을까 싶습니다ㅎ

    2. 동현 : 누가 우리 ABNEW 힘들게 했어!!!! 다 데려와!

    1. WOONG : I wanted to be a flight attendant at one point and if I wasn't an idol I would probably be a flight attendant. hehe

    2. DONGHYUN: Who's upsetting our ABNEW. Bring them on!

    1. 우진 : 모든 것을 놔버리고 내일 하는 것 같아요~

    2. 대휘 : 영화의 한 장면이 될 수도 있고 친구들과의 대화 속에서 많은 영감을 받는 편인 것 같아요

    3. 대휘 : 사생활도 물론 중요하지만, 어느 정도의 사생활을 포기하기로 결심하고 연예인이 된 거여서 감안하고 살려고 하고 있어요!!

    1. WOOJIN : I just drop everything and start again tomorrow~

    2. DAEHWI : It could be the scene of a movie. I also get inspiration from conversations with friends.

    3. DAEHWI : I know that privacy is important. But, I've decided to give up my privacy somewhat when I decided to become an idol so I'm living with my decision and it's all good!!

    동현: 대중분들이 AB6IX 노래를 듣고 좋다고 해주실 때 자랑스러운 것 같아요

    DONGHYUN: We are proud of ourselves when we hear that people say our song is good.

    If you could choose one superpower what would it be?

    (answer from all group if possible)

    웅 : 다른 사람의 생각을 읽는 능력

    동현 : 순간 이동!!!

    우진 : 행복해지는 마법

    대휘 : 순간 이동! 전 세계에 AB6IX를 기다려주시는 분들이 많으신데 그분들에게 빠르게 빠르게 다녀오고 싶어요~😊

    WOONG : The power to read someone’s mind.

    DONGHYUN : Teleportation!!!

    WOOJIN : Happy magic.

    DAEHWI : Teleportation. I know there are many AB6IX fans all over the world, and I would like to visit them instantly~😊

    What song would you recommend to someone who isn't familiar with AB6IX?

    (or what is your favorite song from AB6IX's discography?)

    Thank you :lover3:

    웅 : 가장 최근에 나온 타이틀곡 ‘감아 (CLOSE)’ 추천해주고 싶어요.

    동현 : ‘별자리 (SHINING STARS)’ - 그냥 노래가 너무 좋아서 추천해 드리고 싶습니다

    우진 : ‘감아 (CLOSE)' 추천합니다~

    대휘 : ‘BREATHE’! 데뷔 곡이기도 하고 저희를 잘 표현할 수 있는 곡인것 같아요

    WOONG: I would like to recommend the song "CLOSE" which was just released.

    DONGHYUN : "SHINING STARS" I recommend this song because I love it.

    WOOJIN : "CLOSE" Recommended.

    DAEHWI: I'd like to recommend our debut song "BREATHE" as it represents us well.


    웅 : 우선 가까운 서울 잠실 체조 경기장에서 다시 한번 하고 싶습니다. ABNEW 보고 싶어요~

    동현 : 너무 오랫동안 팬분들을 못 봤기 때문에 최대한 큰 곳에서 최대한 많은 분들과 콘서트를 즐기고 싶네요

    우진 : 전 세계를 다니며 전 세계의 ABNEW와 함께 하고 싶습니다!

    대휘 : 저는 ABNEW가 있는 곳이라면 어디든지 가서 콘서트를 하고 싶어요🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


    웅 : 타이틀곡 ‘감아 (CLOSE)’ 가장 추천합니다! 노래 정말 좋아요

    동현 : ‘아직도 겨울 (A LONG WINTER)’을 좋아하는데, 곡의 전체적인 감성 자체가 좋아하는 스타일입니다!

    우진 : ‘아직도 겨울 (A LONG WINTER)’을 가장 좋아해요~

    대휘 : 저는 ‘룰루랄라 (LULULALA)’!! 들을 때마다 신나요 ㅎㅎ🎉🎉🎉


    WOONG : First of all, I would like to have a concert at KSPO Dome which is the nearest one. I wanna meet ABNEW so bad. DONGHYUN : We haven't met you such a long time, so we would like to have a concert at the biggest venue so we can meet lots of fans.
    WOOJIN : I would like to go everywhere overseas and meet ABNEW.
    DAEHWI : I would like to have a concert anywhere if there is ABNEW fans 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


    WOONG : I recommend the title song "CLOSE". The song is really good.

    DONGHYUN : I like the song "A LONG WINTER" because this song has a feeling. I like this kind of songs.

    WOOJIN : I like the song "A LONG WINTER" most.

    DAEHWI : I am excited whenever I listen to the song "LULULALA" hehe 🎉🎉🎉