Posts by leni17

    Couldn’t have said it better myself

    I personally think idols are somewhat to blame because nobody is holding a gun to their heads telling them to indulge fans fantasies at SUCH AN EXTENT - it’s shocking. I won’t have any sympathy once it becomes a problem for them because some of them took it too far. If a fan is asking you to marry them and you say “of course will you marry me!?” Then you lowkey asked for the cray fans

    Then they walk through airports looking all shook from the fans that they’ve been entertaining for money and sales etc?? This is the product of your behaviour. All for some money (fan signs and video calls), a fake made up interaction with a fan, it looks hella insecure yo me that they kinda gain from these weird fan interactions - I can tell some idols whole lives are based on the love and attention they get from their fans and would be lost without it

    Totally agree with you. It's all so creepy to me, really puts me off. FGS, get some dignity!

    I could never do that, nor be with such a person. Just imagine, your boyfriend hides you like you're the plague, but has no issue feeding lies to some easily impressionable teens. In fact, he hides you so he can lie to them and make some coins. That's just pathetic. And manipulative, isn't it? And fans wonder why idols get no respect in the industry, well, think kids, think! If you want me to see you as an artist, then be an artist first. It's doable, D. O. is a good example, dude is keeping it real, I respect him.

    But I agree, it's rather pointless to discuss if this soldier or that soldier was a true nazi or not.

    That's what I meant to say, thank you for pointing it out. Like I said in another comment in this thread, what matters is that they did fight for Nazi Germany, and that post war Germany took full responsibility.

    I completely agree with you in that Germany took full responsibility, because they should. Along with countries like Austria as well (side note: interestingly their ult right party has recently tried to push their evil past and present anti-semitism on Muslims, who at the time were praised for going above and beyond to “rescue” jews and some were also victims of camps, primarily Auschwitz). But it is highly incorrect to say every German should be held responsible for the Holocaust. I doubt their is a single historian that will say all german soldiers were Nazis, simply because that is highly untrue, if that was the case, the death toll would’ve been significantly higher because their would’ve been more manpower. The series of events that took place would also contradict the whole every Soldier= Nazi, because it makes no sense that troops of the Wehrmecht would fight the Nazis alongside American troops.

    Also like to point out that, indeed that the Wehrmacht did play a role in the Holocaust but not in the sense that many Americans were incorrectly taught. Approximately 19ish million men served in the German military from 1935-1945, The SS had approximately 800,000 active personal by 1944 of which some weren’t even radicalized or you could say “forced Nazis”. Some were indeed radicalized but many were prisoners of war and came from countries invaded by the Nazis and were forcefully conscripted. Not to excuse them of their actions, they deserve punishment.

    Though I am indeed a kpop fan, I really have no idea who Sowon is but the whole calling her a Nazi and proclaiming the mannequin is a Nazi is what took me for a loop.

    Well, I'm an european muslim, my professor at the uni was a Jew, whose family was saved by muslims, we protected our Jewish community after the occupation, so yeah, I know all about it. But some of us also fought for Germany, willingly, my great grandad spent the war in a konz camp cause he didn't want to fight for them. History is never just black and white, but in this case it doesn't matter, I'll say it again, they fought for Germany, for their Führer, they are nazis, simple. Seems to me like we don't read the same books, nor do we learn the same history. German konz camps, such as Dachau were full of anti nazis since 1920's, they could have said no, stand their ground, but they didn't, it's their cross to carry, idc about them at all. Never have any of my professors tried to excuse any German soliders ever, nor do my German friends. Every German I know is just ashamed of that dark part of their history. No excuses, no ifs, no ors, nothing, too many people lost their lives for that. Why do you? I really want to know why are you so passionate about them? Honestly, I don't get it.

    Anyone can claim to have a degree on anything on the internet. I’ve respectfully stated my opinion on this issue. I’m not minimizing the Holocaust nor am I necessarily defending Sowon either. This is just an educational post for people who believe German Soldier = Nazi. You can take what you want from it but stating “I have a masters in history” and not coming with an actual argument is very childish for someone with a “masters in history”. 😶

    I'm not a child, why would I lie. Okay, let me explain it to you, but know that english isn't my first language, and I'm not super fluent. Here is the thing: all German soliders fought for Germany, which was a nazi state. All of them. Germany has taken full responsibility for what they did, look up Willy Brandt. There is no such thing as no nazi, less of a nazi etc when you work for that state, and fight for their cause. That case is closed, over and done with. Please don't say such things, it's just wrong and rude. This is a sensitive topic for historians, and us europeans. The proces in Nürnberg was done fast, to punish the ones in charge, it's imposible to punish all of them, that never happens. My country was at war in the 90's, hardly anyone was punished for all the evil that was done, that's just how it is, we still live with the same people who tortured us in camps, and killed thousands of civilians.

    As for Sowon, or whatever, I don't know her before this, she may just be dumb, I can see that. My issue is with fans treating such a delicate topic like it's nothing, just to shield their fave from backlash. I was to harsh too you, and I would like to apologize for that, I'm just so done with kpopies and this topic.

    Thanks for enlightening us, I will now proceed to burn my history masters degree, can't belive I wasted five years of my life on it, all I had to do is to wait for some idol to mess up and log into stan twitter/forums. Do yourself a favor, and close this thread, you are way out of your depth here

    I don't really care about charts, sales and all that stuff (I'm too old for that), so I won't comment on that. But, I'm a new fan of Twice, thanks to Can't stop me and the new album. Most of us 20 something and older fans don't hang out on social media, youtube comments etc. I see their sound has changed, which is normal, they mature, and so does their fan base, which you can't expect to be loud, we are tired and just want to chill with good music and no drama 😂

    Just reading coments in this thread makes me sick. No wonder people, or how your ignorant asses like to call them locals, because they dare not to care about some music genre, don't like Kpop. There is nothing an idol can do, that the lot of you wont try to excuse. This woman posted a pic with a nazi solider, got called out on it on one platform, then went on to another platform to post the same thing because her fans are "jealous". The narcissism just jumped out! And please, this is not just some issue, it's world history and the freaking holocaust we are talking about. I could understand someone uneducated, from a third world country not to know about it, but a Korean, with their own WWII history and education system, no, no way.

    I don't like when members do too much fan service. Fans complain about delulu shipers, but it's their fault, they know what they are doing, because they are trained in fan service and such things. I just see them as greedy, insecure and insincere. Someday they will have partners, good luck with that! All hell will break loose, but honestly, they will get no sympathy from me, I just pitty their future partners.