Posts by tenry

    Hey everyone!

    Sorry if I'm asking in the wrong place, but I'll try my luck. For my term paper, I chose a topic called "The Impact of KPop on Youth in Korea and the World." I found some articles like this or that. But I need more data as well as some help from you in this research.

    I noticed that this forum is in English and I would like to find out where the population of the forum comes from (I'll try to attach an anonymous poll).

    Other questions: How does KPop affect your life? (what has changed since you discovered KPop, what are the pros/cons?).

    Why did you become interested in Korean music/culture? How did it happen? :/

    I would appreciate any help :)

    Very helpful. Thank you.

    What is wrong with me wanting to delete my account?

    Facebook, IG, twitter all allow you to end your participation if you no longer feel like using their service and nobody makes a fuss about it.

    This is such a strange request ... I would understand if it was asked by someone who has been registered here for a long time. But your account literally has no value to you, and I don't understand why you couldn't just abandon it :)