Posts by kembox7

    how fucking dumb is this logic lol?? i dont have to be an expert in a field to judge it, especially when it comes to performances which are made for the viewers to judge.


    You for sure aren't an expert lol, which is why your opinions from a kpop forum is hilarious. "I dont have to be an expert" The point is your opinions are meaningless. You dont even work in the music industry so its like asking a bum his thoughts on politics. Easy to understand?

    Is what I said wrong? You have more than 80% of the contestants with no screentime. Of course people are going to vote for the ones they know. Nobody cares for the contestants they don't even know exist.

    The majority of you attack her for being Kais sisters and hate her for being half white. Trust me these morons on this forum hate him for white people, Huening Kai is hated a lot because of that. White = bad to these people

    I don't think she's gonna debut, thankfully. I agree she doesn't deserve it. Honestly, people who want her to debut are setting her up for tremendous hate and questioning of her deserving to be on the final lineup. It would be better for her if she didn't debut now but got some recognition, then debuted later (not on GP999) when she's more skilled and can separate herself from the "Kai's lil sister" image.

    If she debuted with GP999 she would never have peace, she'd be bullied to shreds because the only reason she's getting votes is because of TXT fans, not because of her skills or charisma. Besides, if you check the GP999 subreddit, people have been sharing loads of tweets of TXT members mass-buying SIM cards to vote more multiple times.

    I honestly feel sorry for the girl. The only screen time she got was people talking about how she's Kai's brother and a brief facetime conversation with him. I really hope, for her own sake, she doesn't make it to the final lineup and gets to debut later, on another group.

    The funniest thing in this whole story is her brother's fans who are vehemently arguing that they are stanning Bahiyyih not because her brother is Hueningkai but because they noticed her immense talent in the 10 seconds of screen time that she had. I mean, don't lie at least, lol, everyone knows why she got so much attention. If she was not TXT Kai's sister, she would be like Vivienne - got some minimal screentime, left the show at 20+ place in her group.

    Hive-mind bh stans are voting for her. I doubt she’d get this amount of support from people who watch the show as regular viewers. She doesn’t really stand out to me as particularly talented or a visual.

    I’m not a fan of her and the fact she is getting a lot of support because of her brother.

    But she’s not that bad she can hold a note and her dancing is good she just lacks charisma

    And she hard carrying the fiesta performance so... I gotta give her that

    Because people know her name and you can only vote for someone whose name you know

    The same can't be said for the bottom contestants

    Im sorry but she is the perfect example of a privileged idol who is getting votes just because her brother is famous. She can't even sing or dance plus she doesnt have great visuals or charisma either. If she gets into the final lineup it would be one wasted spot. Kpop stans need to stop doing this kind of stuff.

    This thread is hilarious.... You got a bunch of unemployed/McDonald overweight workers who have no life commenting on a 16 year girl who has more talent in her pinky finger than they would ever have their entire life. Theres a reason you comment on a kpop forum 24/7 because outside of that you're pretty worthless besides flipping patties.

    OMG WHATTTT I'm still young ;( younger people don't tuck in their shirts in their boxers wtf are you on :-D you don't have to defend hybe just because you like TXT, you can disagree with their styling and still love the group. Yeah they did kill it, but this styling was NOT it. Imagine going to a skate park and seeing someone with their shirt tucked into their boxers ;(;(;( pls stop reaching

    "Imagine going to a skate park and seeing someone with their shirt tucked into their boxers" Dude no one would care because its common and this is a skatepark where they're trying to skate and not a fashion show trying to impress people with a style. They're kids just having fun and skating. Once again its obvious you dont go outside by your comments. Please be quiet its annoying having to come back here an educate you once a day. Ive hated a lot of TXT concept photos but this isnt it. NEXT

    all of MOA are clowns though? anyways yes I'm in the sane minority LMAOO

    Just admit you don't go out in public and never grew up around younger kids and skaters when you were young. You can disagree with their style because that's your opinion on fashion but that's how they dress in the US , Japan and Korea in the skateboarding and younger scene. Sagging is common but I'm sure you've never heard of that term either. Next time just be honest and say I'm anti-social and have never been to a skate park or around young people so showing boxers or underwear offends me. Move on hun..... They killed this skater concept. ^^


    Thats why you're in the minority hun and she calls the majority of people who like it clowns? ;(;(;( Calling people clowns for liking a popular skating style which is the concept they're aiming for just makes you look stupid. She literally just called the majority of MOA clowns. Think before you type....... Jesus lol

    Sagging was common in street culture in general. Skateboarding subculture and hip-hop subculture both had it.

    I don't think this is sagging. He's just wearing the boxers higher up with the T-shirt tucked in, which gives it that illusion. But either way, it's a stylistic choice for a photoshoot. It's not that different from when they wore crop tops for the "Blue Hour" video. Some people loved those crop tops; some people hated the look. Some goes for this boxers look. It's not that serious.

    At the end of the day, it should be no surprise they wear some strange outfits. The stylist is making them flex how good they look. "I look so good I can wear weird outfits and still look good." That's the statement.

    At the end of the day Huening Kai wore something that a lot of you hated lol, I think you just need to think before you type. Poor kid.

    I sound like a moron, when your the one blowing up at multiple people for no reason? I’m glad you took so long to respond because you needed a break from the forums to collect yourself.

    Your obviously just troll that just insults and types random accusations with no proof. Seems like your projecting a lot about your life on to me. If you need a social life than go get one, but you look pretty stupid making assumptions about people’s life you know nothing about? Do you know where i live? Do you know my age? Do you even know my ethnicity? You don’t, so please don’t just pull stuff out of your butt to troll.

    Enjoy the report.

    Little boy I'm just making fun of you. I can tell you're a foreigner who doesn't understand American , Korean and Japan young skateboarding culture.

    Wait. So you admit he’s sagging, but say it’s weird for me to ask if he’s sagging? Bro make some sense.....

    Your so concerned with defending oppa, your brain is rotting. The same way you went after @ripia for a harmless comment. Some of you kids need to take a step back and not be overly defensive over simple comments. He’s not your bf. You don’t have to jump down everyone’s throat for him. Kai does not know you, get over it.

    And yeah hes sagging, I already explained how that is common in the skateboarding scene in the US, Japan and Korea and black culture in general. Do you actually read all the comments in the post or do you just ignore and type whatever and sound like a moron? Poor kid....

    Wait. So you admit he’s sagging, but say it’s weird for me to ask if he’s sagging? Bro make some sense.....

    Your so concerned with defending oppa, your brain is rotting. The same way you went after @ripia for a harmless comment. Some of you kids need to take a step back and not be overly defensive over simple comments. He’s not your bf. You don’t have to jump down everyone’s throat for him. Kai does not know you, get over it.

    Jesus.... are you slow? Its just embarrassing how you try and criticize skateboard style clothing in a photo shoot when we all know you have never been outside your online forum and actually interacted with people in the public. If you have you wouldn't have typed shit as dumb as that. All I'm saying is think before you type. Embarrassing you losers who live at home and don't have a social live is too easy :clown:

    Im a 24 year old male.. and my younger siblings are teenagers im around teens a lot.

    Im from new Zealand though skaters here dont dress like that.

    But anyway i was just kidding cant take a joke :eyes:.. just a photo shoot.

    Well that makes sense......Your country has a population less then California. But yeah you attacked an 18 year old wearing a common young skater outfit popular in the US, Korea and Japan. Maybe do research next time before you try and drag someone. Why not be respectful to Koreans?

    Lol having his boxers up like that is a style.

    Give me a break. Idk what teenagers you've been around but where im.from youd be laughed at.

    And chill why dont you i was just kidding.

    Damn right it is, just by that comment I can tell you're either old or never go outside lol or either you're from a country that has strict laws on dressing or you're just stupid, but teenagers in the US, japan and Korea wear this you idiot. Its always these rude female stans..... Pathetic.

    To be fair, this is a grown ass man at this point. Me and him are the same age (18) and I'm an 03, while he's an 02 <


    And???? his outfit is amazing and fits the young, skateboard scene which is the concept they're doing dummy. Young skaters and teens in US, Korea and Japan wear this style. Sagging is literally common, where have you people been? Go outside for once 😂

    LOL thats not how you do it... aha

    Someones never been around teenagers before 😂 Leave your home one day and visit the outside world hun. This is literally what they wear especially in big cities in Korea, Japan and the US. This is a skater concept.... Too many stupid people on this site who never leave their home and have no social life.

    Wait? How am i the weirdo when HYBE is the one that dressed him?

    Also a MOA literally posted this in the same thread:

    But i’m the weirdo??? Worry about your fandom first before saying anything to me, when i said nothing sexual or disrespectful in nat"IS

    "IS HE SAGGING?" Who says that about an 18 year old idol doing a young skater concept photo 😂

    Either you're a boomer or just a young person who has no social life (no offense) growing up cause this was common in the skateboarding scene and still with young teens now. Go to any big city especially in the US and Korea or any country and people sag their pants, like have you been living under a rock....

    Probably because the MODS encourage trolling. Theres literally hundreds of cancerous threads about hate and racism and the mods do nothing and encourage these kids to start fanwars and trouble. Basically they make money for clicks so more drama the better. Theres way better kpop forums which have actual discussions, but this aint it.