Posts by briarlee


    oh yeah we only give them treats that are made here in the u.s. i guess we found out anything made outside the u.s. like ones from china are bad for them. who'd a thunk it lol

    Bruh I talk to so many people about foods that I don't even remember who's what or what's what man frick I feel bad for everybody who's gonna come here but then again this conversation was pretty random :O)

    we don't give them any chicken bones we just gave them the other stuff and we cut the chicken up before we give them any. nope no bones. bones are bad.

    just thinking of eating a heart or something creeps me out i could never i'm such a pansy lol

    Yeah bones are terrible scared all of us when one them started choking on a bone even store bought treats are horrible imo but could just be the brands idk

    Uh you're the one I was talking to about eating chicken skins right?

    noo ew lol we used to cook it and give it to the dogs lol. I just like me some chicken wings and some legs and stuff and the stuffing we put inside but yeah no lol eww *shudders* lol

    I guess I tried eating a beef heart and it was nasty asf but I got it on sale so it probably just tasted nasty because of how old it was :O) I just like the skin off of the legs

    I just hate the celery in the stuffing :x Also how do your dogs not die eating the neck bones? >_>

    It just smells super faded lmao I think she got some new clothes but still uses the comforters :O) lmao

    You'd be horrified if I told you what my dad used to do then lmao but now that he's old he regrets what he's done and genuinely feels bad wishing he hadn't done those things

    My middle sister had a rabbit and she squeezed it too hard and killed it and my dad skinned it and cooked it :O)

    Sorry for the late reply I wrote a crap ton then decided to delete it lmao

    omfg the poor dog and your bro in law i heard that tomato juice does not work. I cannot imagine what the hell ya'll went through trying to get that smell out, just parading around outside with my windows closed is enough to drown me that smell is just so damn potent and yet people keep them as pets, of course they get the scent shit removed but still no. stinky shits lol.

    Lol when people complain about it being hot i just laugh. I'm like you don't know what hot is lol

    Meh don't really communicate with them all that much just sucks that the other sister brought all her stuff here and used my camper as a storage for her stinky clothes that she washed over and over again I through that shit in the back of my truck and left it there nobody ain't gonna steal stinky ass clothes is what I said to her haha

    I'd rather deal with the heat than the cold brr

    My grandpa and great-grandpa ate skunk before grandpa didn't know what he was eating said it tasted good like chicken so he asked his dad what it was and he said skunk and immediately puked lmao I think they were travelling somewhere and didn't have any provisions to my great-grandpa anything was fair game including bald eagles >_> Back then they probably weren't as scarce as it is now

    Bruh if I lived in Oregon after Vegas and seen someone with a succulent that would give me ptsd about the horrid hot steamy wind sand slapping of Vegas and I would literally grab that succulent and chuck it

    My brother-in-law got bit by a skunk lmao and my sister was out there trying to hit it with a broom he had to get rabies shots and tomato juice doesn't work haha my other sister was living with them and her stuff bedding clothes everything smelled like skunk and she was in her bedroom with the door closed guy literally should've stripped naked outside instead of going directly inside lmao

    He got attacked because their dog got attacked by it and he went to save him lmao poor bambam deaf and blind and defenceless he's a Jack Russell alot of people would think he was a baby pitbull lmao

    Yeah looking at hoodoos isn't all that exciting

    omfg it really feels like that? i could never i'd be like NO i'm not leaving the house today...or i'd sit in front of a really big fan or something omfg might as well put a swimming pool outside or something. Oregon is so green and pretty much different then desert and dirt that i saw for so long, i feel like i live in a forest! lol

    Being in the house with a big fan doesn't do squat you need an AC lmao I'm in the basement right now and I think it's cooler outside bruh I bet you feel totally better being in that environment definitely a mood changer whether or not you realize it. I'm from the country and my sister is in the city and she says it smells so fresh and clean like you smell canola sweet grass sage and pretty much everything and y'know humidity makes your nostrils bigger so I get to breathe in and smell all this goodness through my noseholes (obv) haha

    they keep telling me we have humidity but i swear i never feel it. but that sucks imagine feeling like you took a bath with your clothes on when you didn't and wondering if people think you're weird! i couldn't imagine that sucks lol my hair doesn't do shit anyway, maybe that would help it loll

    You explained humidity way better than me damn Well atleast I don't have to deal with that shit anymore :D Oregon looks so beautiful I'd deal with it rain and all for the ocean and lakes :O))

    oh wow you are pretty similar, it's kind of nice out right now i thought it was gonna rain, it like always rains here. but while i was working a few hours ago it was so damn hot lol. bipolar weather i call it lol

    Humidity is the worst I tell ya I'd rather deal with the scorching sun than being humid I was working in a ice skating arena installing ice and even after the ice was installed the humidity stayed for like 2 months and every time I worked my hair would feel super wiry , greasy and everything my hair clothes and skin would smell like mildew lol

    Or sometimes outside the humidity would make my shirt feel like I took it straight out of the washer and put it on all crumpled but would stay crumpled all day

    i mean those 120+ degree heat it was nothing jk lol it was pretty hot but i mean i say i'm used to it but you never get really used to it, i was in arizona from 93-14 than vegas from 14-22 and now i'm in oregon lol

    Since I'm Canadian I had to look this up haha I think just a few years ago was it ever 120 degrees. Today it was 96 degrees and there's a heat warning all the way to the end of July but August is always hotter than July :O)) Oregon temperature's are pretty similar to here :O)

    that sucks so bad, i lived in vegas for about 7 years with triple digit heat and i had to have a portable a/c and like several fans, it's honestly nice being in a new state where a simple fan is all i really need. i am sure the heat is unberable for you :(

    I was an outdoor laborer for 8 years lmao I'm just being baby right now haha plus vegas heat is probably like hell compared to where I'm at :D

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