As someone who was born in and spent most of his formative years in Korea, with grandparents who lived through the occupation, i will offer my two cents :
Koreans need to let this go.
Everyone that was responsible for the occupation is dead. They're gone. It's been 80 years since the occupation which lasted 35 years. How much longer is Korea gonna hold onto this? We've got Communist China building 1000000s of drones, missiles, and ships, North Korea insanity, and Russia's Pacific Fleet lurking. Instead of letting the past stay in the past, we've got Korea still frozen in time, still letting things that happened three generations ago materially impact the literal survival of the entire country. NOW is the time to move forward, to address these threats, to unify Korea and Japan with America in a three nation security pact.
It's a losing battle i know. My words will fall on deaf ears. Koreans are intent on wasting time obsessing over the past and jeopardizing their national security. The way my parents, esp my dad, still talk about Japan makes it clear. Stuff like Felix having to apologize for A LITERAL NOTHING BURGER makes it clear.
My homeland is amazing in so many ways, so effing amazing, yet there are certain things inherent in Korean culture that will prevent them from ever achieving greatness.