I Got No Choice | poem

  • A poem that I wrote once.

    Originally in my native language, so the poem might sound odd sometimes and some stuff might be lost in translation.

    It didn't have any title at first, so I gave it a title that I thought would fit.

    It is kind of based on when I was a child and went to school.

    I Got No Choice

    It's raining outside the school

    but me and other pupils are forced to go outside

    "You need to get some fresh air" they tell us

    Got no other choice than to listen

    The teachers are smarter than us.

    that is why we learn.

    I get wet and have no umbrella

    The boys are teasing me

    but that is my own fault

    My anger issues and my disorder

    are tempting their Y-chromosomes

    Y why? I don't know why

    Jeg ved ikke hvorfor

    1 plus 2 is 3

    After Y is Z

    Y-chromosomes are tiny

    tiny like boy brains

    I got no choice

    in the school by the river and the prune tree

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