BTS has had a huge, crazy growth in last 9 months!
Butter had 42% more filtered streams and 90% more unfiltered streams.
Looking at where this growth comes from, India, Mexico, Philippines, Japan, Brazil are responsible for 48.9%, almost half of the growth! The change in these big markets has been huge!
Top 20 countries with biggest increase in streams:
1. India change = 606295, share of total increase = 18.6%, cumulative share of total increase = 18.6%
2. Mexico change = 334550, share of total increase = 10.3%, cumulative share of total increase = 28.8%
3. Philippines change = 249735, share of total increase = 7.7%, cumulative share of total increase = 36.5%
4. Japan change = 205192, share of total increase = 6.3%, cumulative share of total increase = 42.8%
5. Brazil change = 199300, share of total increase = 6.1%, cumulative share of total increase = 48.9%
---almost 50%
6. Peru change = 109013, share of total increase = 3.3%, cumulative share of total increase = 52.2%
7. Germany change = 105836, share of total increase = 3.2%, cumulative share of total increase = 55.5%
8. Turkey change = 104605, share of total increase = 3.2%, cumulative share of total increase = 58.7%
9. United States change = 93188, share of total increase = 2.9%, cumulative share of total increase = 61.5%
10. Korea change = 69078, share of total increase = 2.1%, cumulative share of total increase = 63.6%
11. Canada change = 61941, share of total increase = 1.9%, cumulative share of total increase = 65.5%
12. Colombia change = 60084, share of total increase = 1.8%, cumulative share of total increase = 67.4%
13. United Kingdom change = 57197, share of total increase = 1.8%, cumulative share of total increase = 69.1%
14. Italy change = 49076, share of total increase = 1.5%, cumulative share of total increase = 70.6%
15. Indonesia change = 47655, share of total increase = 1.5%, cumulative share of total increase = 72.1%
16. Argentina change = 40934, share of total increase = 1.3%, cumulative share of total increase = 73.3%
17. Chile change = 33630, share of total increase = 1%, cumulative share of total increase = 74.4%
18. Spain change = 33357, share of total increase = 1%, cumulative share of total increase = 75.4%
19. Malaysia change = 32991, share of total increase = 1%, cumulative share of total increase = 76.4%
20. Poland change = 31596, share of total increase = 1%, cumulative share of total increase = 77.4%
And almost all countries had increases, Japanese debut streams more than doubled! 22 countries had kincrease more than 50% and 51 countries more than 20%. BTS has been growing at a fast pace everywhere!
Countries by increase % from Dynamite debut:
1. Japan change = 205192, 161%
2. Ecuador change = 28689, 117%
3. India change = 606295, 110%
4. Colombia change = 60084, 110%
5. Peru change = 109013, 108%
6. Guatemala change = 17868, 98%
7. Mexico change = 334550, 97%
8. Bolivia change = 13878, 90%
9. Egypt change = 11555, 83%
10. Turkey change = 104605, 81%
11. United Arab Emirates change = 11247, 79%
12. Honduras change = 7417, 77%
13. El Salvador change = 11066, 76%
14. Dominican Republic change = 6430, 76%
15. Panama change = 7312, 72%
16. Paraguay change = 11452, 69%
17. South Africa change = 8237, 59%
18. Israel change = 4385, 54%
19. Nicaragua change = 3335, 54%
20. Hong Kong change = 17185, 52%
21. Greece change = 7118, 51%
22. Philippines change = 249735, 50%
23. Italy change = 49076, 49%
24. Costa Rica change = 8228, 48%
25. Hungary change = 5912, 48%
26. Czech Republic change = 6662, 48%
27. Morocco change = 6386, 46%
28. Germany change = 105836, 45%
29. Uruguay change = 2761, 41%
30. Brazil change = 199300, 40%
31. Poland change = 31596, 37%
32. Belgium change = 9056, 37%
33. Saudi Arabia change = 9788, 36%
34. Switzerland change = 7424, 34%
35. Argentina change = 40934, 34%
36. Spain change = 33357, 34%
37. Viet Nam change = 30587, 31%
38. Canada change = 61941, 28%
39. Austria change = 5755, 28%
40. Chile change = 33630, 27%
41. Denmark change = 7793, 27%
42. Ireland change = 5586, 26%
43. Slovakia change = 2095, 26%
44. Netherlands change = 19781, 26%
45. Sweden change = 16506, 25%
46. United Kingdom change = 57197, 24%
47. Malaysia change = 32991, 24%
48. Taiwan change = 13026, 22%
49. Latvia change = 1110, 21%
50. Thailand change = 28212, 21%
51. Romania change = 3483, 20%
52. Portugal change = 5744, 20%
53. Ukraine change = 4768, 20%
54. France change = 25282, 19%
55. Lithuania change = 1070, 16%
56. Bulgaria change = 813, 14%
57. Norway change = 5007, 11%
58. Indonesia change = 47655, 8%
59. Singapore change = 5745, 6%
60. Estonia change = 283, 5%
61. United States change = 93188, 5%
62. Australia change = 3559, 3%
63. Finland change = 474, 1%
64. New Zealand change = -603, -3%
65. Russian Federation change = -12265, -6%
66. Iceland change = -298, -12%
67. Korea change = 69078, chart didnt exist
68. Luxembourg change = 2524, chart not released on Dynamite debut day (Luxembourg only has charts occasionally)