Dear perfume wearing people
Do you ever wonder if they just have less sensitivity?
Or worse, have damaged their own senses of smell by wearing perfume, then getting so used to it that they need to wear more and more to smell it on themselves?
Is it a contest?
Yes, thoughts like this occur when you are stuck on long subway ride with someone wearing what must be an entire bottle of perfume.
I WONDER, cause like just walking out in the city earlier, someone did it and it was SOOOO MUCH
both my mom and my aunt are super sensitive to scents while I'm rarely bothered by it.
There were arguments almost every morning when I was in high school and, looking back now, I was definitely the problem (my aunt was playing it tho)
Now that I'm more serious about perfume, I'm better at being reasonable with how much I use it
hint for the sweaty guys:
perfume does not subtract odor. it's perfume plus odor. it's somehow much worse.
Think about it like this: I p!ssed in your cup. No amount of added sugar is going to remove that p!ss. (line stolen and co-opted from healthygamer)Edit: a quick google search tells me there's such a thing as sweat activated dry shampoo.
I seem to recall a (kinda dangerous) prank. In the locker room, we'd used to quietly leave early and then ziptie down the trigger for a small can of axe. for the guys still left we'd throw it in and hold the door shut. Good luck brotha.
Well... I seldom wear perfume nowadays.
I don't think I get bothered by it. (or maybe it is a long time ago since I have been around people that were wearing that much perfume.)
But I remember when I had a teacher, and he told me about when he was marathoning and the woman running in front of him was wearing a lot of perfume. And I think he told me that he was out of breath because of the running, so he almost inhaled her perfume.
I'm more bothered by people smoking at bus stops.
And also when I went to school and the classroom reeked of nail polish because of some girls that painted on their nails in that room.
exactly, fragrances are meant to be discovered not announced!
two spray on each side of the neck and an extra on the back if need be, never on clothes bc it'll stain, also helps if you layer it with an unscented cream/moisturizer for it to last longer
and if you can try to use EDP version of the perfume instead of EDT, it's more concentrated and well worth the extra $$
crystalblues i like the smell of perfumes (especially the strawberry one from a high school classmate) but i never had one of my own (i wish though)
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