HYBE gets exposed by the Korean National Assembly for committing sajaegi as well as writing sexually demeaning comments and initiating negative PR campaigns against other labels/idols

  • https://preview.redd.it/serious-discussion-thread-part-6-hybe-vs-ador-v0-bapczjez0pwd1.jpeg?width=2520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=504d407e8a873d095129f56c3409b7a9cfab946f

    Kim Tae Ho, Belift CEO and HYBE COO, essentially admitting that HYBE is personally responsible for the vile comments, with the implication from the assemblyman that much worse comments were not disclosed due to how grotesque and offensive they were

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    I'm providing better translations of the exchange from the link above as well as the interrogation about sajaegi:



    HYBE needs to be dissolved immediately. Set all the sub labels free.

    All right, the HYBE cultists are working overtime so I'm going to add some points of clarification that hopefully discourages conflating this with MHJ and her battle with HYBE (don't merge!!!)

    • Min Heejin actually had nothing to do with the materials exposed today at the National Assembly. How would she even have access to these documents? This is NOT connected to her in any way.
    • These materials were somewhat ironically uncovered by an audit conducted by the National Assembly itself
    • These are NOT just a collection of public opinions. Belift CEO, Kim Tae Ho, essentially admitted there were also evaluations written by HYBE and they were even worse than what has been disclosed so far. When asked by the assemblyman if he wanted him to read those evaluations in court, Kim Tae Ho's response was utter silence and that speaks volumes

    I feel like it's important to keep these key points prominent as we continue to discuss this, because a certain group of cultists are trying VERY hard to distort the truth and blame MHJ for this.

    I'll be editing the thread periodically to catch people up who don't want to read through 300+ replies.

  • "At an age where they are at their ugliest" - Evaluating a minor's appearance in an official document? Belift Lab CEO Kim Tae-ho: "I don't remember the contents."

    Kim Tae-ho, CEO of Belift Lab, a label under HYBE, addressed a document containing sexual evaluations of minors.

    On the afternoon of the 24th, Kim Tae-ho attended a comprehensive audit of the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism as a witness. The National Assembly's Culture, Sports, and Tourism Committee questioned him about the current issues in the entertainment industry, including the ongoing controversy between HYBE and NewJeans' agency ADOR over copyright and plagiarism.

    During the session, Democratic Party lawmaker Min Hyung-bae asked Kim about a file called the "Weekly Music Industry Report," questioning whether it was an official document used by the company. Kim responded, "As a company working in the K-pop industry, we closely monitor public opinion regarding our artists and the industry. This was part of that process."

    Min Hyung-bae pointed out that, despite being an official document used by HYBE for industry monitoring, the file contained inappropriate language such as "The members debuted at an age when they're at their ugliest, so none of them have the typical idol facial features," "There’s a noticeable emphasis on appearance and sexual appeal," and "Surprisingly, none of them are pretty." He added that these remarks were directed at a group made up of minors. In response, Kim Tae-ho stated, "I do not remember the contents of the document. We review many monitoring materials," and added, "This is not HYBE's official position. It seems to be a collection of various opinions and articles."

    Earlier, on the 15th, ADOR CEO Kim Joo-young and NewJeans member Hanni appeared as witnesses at the Environment and Labor Committee's national audit to respond to questions related to workplace bullying, which became an issue with the so-called "NewJeans bullying incident."

  • I didn't understand the album quantities one. Anyone explain please :pepe-sad:

    But damn, Hybe really went from the better kpop company in many eyes to even lower than sm now

    They are basically asking retail companies to buy more of their albums initially with a condition to return them later if not sold. So basically they get 1 million album first week sales and then after a while quietly return them.

  • "


    The full cast is scheduled to appear on Saturday and Neighborhood Star K) is the second broadcast, but when the first episode brought together six members of Illit, I thought the synergy of ugliness was unbearable, but this seems to be even more so because the line is in the upper ranks."



  • Materials shared by the National Assembly’s Culture, Sports, and Tourism Committee during the national audit.

    "Debuting members at such an unattractive age with no experience, they act like it’s not an idol’s path… (followed by a sigh)"

    "The members' personalities were very unpleasant."

    "There seems to be a tendency to focus on appearance and sexual appeal."

    "I was surprised to find that no one was inside."

    "When the group '○○' debuted, there was a huge shock due to their looks. I think SM’s beauty standards have changed."

    "The other members are shockingly unattractive."


  • June 1, 22

    The fandom's defense logic for OOO's live performance has been that 'the company doesn't let good kids perform', but this has been shattered by Coachella. Now that lip-syncing is once again becoming an issue, the fandom is quickly turning its arrows of resentment away from the team and towards other areas.


  • :meme-excuse-me: ok then

    can HYBE stop talking about SM idols in their private chats like

  • Is this what Mhj refused to do when Bang asked her to beat Aespa's first-week sales? Even back then, Hybe never refuted her statement—they just shifted attention to other things so people would forget. And if I remember correctly, this was one of the first reasons the conflict between her and Bang started, right? So, does that mean NJ wasn’t involved in this?

  • There seems to be a tendency to focus on appearance and sexual appeal."

    Saying this about minor is crazy 😮😮😮

    When the group '○○' debuted, there was a huge shock due to their looks. I think SM’s beauty standards have changed."

    LMAOOO Once again a proof of Hybe obsession with SM

    Cuz how in your evaluation of your own trainees and idols you find a way to talk about SM groups

  • Mother mhj :holding-back-tears:

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  • A whole bunch of different tea blends:

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    I actually believe every one of the big companies probably has very similar, equally disgusting documents hidden in their deep, dark vaults. NONE of the companies would be innocent of this.

  • The fact that Hybe stan and ratmys are trying to defend the fact that HYBE executive are sexualizing minors in their official document

    And are trying to paint this situation like a witch hunt

    It’s kinda weird how fans of the other Big 3 usually come together to hate the company when something happens. Like, they’ll defend the company against others or if it doesn’t involve their faves, but the moment the company touch their idols, they all call them out with no excuses. But Hybe stans are different. No matter what comes out, they act like it’s a witch hunt against Hybe and don’t seem to care if it actually hurts their idols. They take this ‘us against the world’ mentality on a whole another level, but instead with the groups they stan, it is with the corporation. Honestly, it makes me wonder how someone can even have a parasocial relationship with a company in the first place. At this point, Bsh can even physically assault Nj members and the company stans will still blame it on the girls.

  • It’s kinda weird how fans of the other Big 3 usually come together to hate the company when something happens. Like, they’ll defend the company against others or if it doesn’t involve their faves, but the moment the company touch their idols, they all call them out with no excuses. But Hybe stans are different. No matter what comes out, they act like it’s a witch hunt against Hybe and don’t seem to care if it actually hurts their idols. They take this ‘us against the world’ mentality on a whole another level, but instead with the groups they stan, it is with the corporation. Honestly, it makes me wonder how someone can even have a parasocial relationship with a company in the first place. At this point, Bsh can even physically assault Nj members and the company stans will still blame it on the girls.

    as long as its not bts, they will remain silent.

  • it's not like it's so shocking or unexpected but still..

    i feel like i need a shower after reading it

    and this is exposing not just hybe, the whole industry is like this

  • as long as its not bts, they will remain silent.

    Even bts member himself posted in support of newjeans and said they are not guilty, yet armys can't stop running their mouth calling the girls as bullies, greedy, liars and what not

    Won't be surprised if hybe cultist army fandom starts defending the corporation when news of their favs mistreatment comes

  • “Ugly Synergy” HYBE, 'SM, YG, JYP Idols’ Appearance Evaluation… Documents Revealed at National Assembly Inspection

    Channel A has obtained an internal document from HYBE containing defamatory comments about the appearances of idols from entertainment agencies such as SM, YG, and JYP. A portion of the document was also made public at the National Assembly Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee's state audit today (the 24th).

    The document, titled "HYBE Executive Report Industry Trend Review," contains information about idols from other entertainment agencies.

    Regarding a member of a female idol group from JYP, HYBE commented, "She had plastic surgery to the point where she was almost unrecognizable, and she showed strong signs of having been exposed to an environment where mental defense was difficult for a long period of time, and this tendency was especially noticeable in relation to her appearance and sex appeal."

    They continued, "I wonder if OO is showing similar signs in that regard," referring to another girl group member.

    When mentioning SM and YG at the same time, he said, "It's surprising that no one is pretty. I thought it was because the trainee infrastructure wasn't even as good as OOOOO, but when I think about how everyone was shocked by OOO's debut because of their looks, I wonder if SM's aesthetics itself have changed." He also disparaged

    the singing ability of a certain SM girl group, saying, "The fandom's defense logic was that 'the company doesn't let the kids who are good at it', but that was destroyed by Coachella."

    HYBE didn't leave out small and medium-sized agencies either.

    When mentioning a group from a small and medium-sized agency, he left a comment that bordered on personal attacks, saying, "I thought the synergy of ugliness was just unbearable...

    " Regarding SM itself, he said, "OOO's excessive immersion, the pseudo-romance-style fandom itself is a kind of old-fashioned fandom, and SM fandom sticks to that," disparaging its competitors and the fandoms of its singers.

    Also, there was news that 'OO is reading a collection of short stories, and there were quite a few articles in Namcho that were aggro, saying it was a 'feminist book'. It's an anthology collection of short stories by young domestic writers, but I wonder how many young Korean novelists who are active are not feminists. Rather than saying that this kind of uproar itself has a big impact on OOO, I think it could be used as aggro, like when the team is not doing well, OO tried to get feminist coins and got team killed', and mentioned the controversy involving another idol.

    When some of the content was revealed at today's state audit, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Yoo In-chon said, "I think the expression is excessive."

    In response, Kim Tae-ho, CEO of Belief Lab, a label under Hive, who appeared as a witness at the audit and is the COO of Hive, explained, "I do not remember the contents of that document. That is because we are creating and reviewing a lot of such monitoring data."

    He continued, "This is not HYBE's opinion or official judgment," and drew the line, saying, "I see this as a summary of the many posts we've collected and monitored online."

    “못생김의 시너지” 하이브, SM·YG·JYP 아이돌 외모 품평…국감서 문건 공개돼
    SM, YG, JYP 등 연예 기획사 아이돌에 대한 비방적 외모 품평을 기록한 하이브의 내부 문건을 채널A가 확보했습니다. 해당 문건의 일부는 오늘(24일) 국회 문화체육관광위원회 국정감사에서도 공개됐습니다. '하이

    HYBE really went balls to the wall...big company, medium company, nugu company...all other idols, other than theirs, are garbage in their eyes.

  • LMAOOOO how can they still be judging others when illit looking like a nugu group from nugu company and sounds like a goat

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