Highest K-pop exports in the first half of the year... US overtakes China to become second largest market
In the first half of this year, looking at the destination countries for music exports, Japan ranked first with 48,523,000 dollars (approximately 61.5 billion won). It was followed by $25.519 million in the United States (approximately 32.3 billion won) and $22.64 million in China (approximately 28.7 billion won), occupying the 'Big 3'.
Germany, Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Canada, the United Kingdom and France followed in the top 10.
source: http://www.fntoday.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=296944
Let's memorize our top 10 countries:
Japan USA China Germany Taiwan Hong Kong Netherlands Canada UK France
original post: here
2. So if we want to make money, we need to seize Northeast Asia and the US
3. But for China, if we counted Chinese bars' purchases that are technically considered "domestic" sales since they do it through Hanteo, they'd have the biggest part of the pie
4. It's because SEA fans are mostly multistan that they don't buy that many albums
5. Is it because SEA are buying through domestic purchases like China?
6. Japan is solid
7. So there's a reason why the entertainment companies are targetting Japan..
8. SEA isn't there for a place that talks the loudest
9. But still SEA are helping with the votes ㅋㅋ I've seen so many fandom too lazy to vote so they only count on SEA fans to vote ㅋㅋ
10. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm more shocked that there's not a single SEA country