I just want to say this, and I don't expect anyone to react, I just need to make sure it's said

  • Any of us could be idols

    Yeah I know that a lot of idols can't have social media and that but idols can sometimes sneak things like that

    What would you say differently?

    Would you act differently if you knew that at any point an idol could stumble across a thread about anything?

    If any of you think yes to those questions, maybe we should take a step back and be a little bit more polite and understanding

    This includes myself so don't call me a hypocrite

    From now on I suggest that if anyone feels the need to get into something with another person, we should privately talk to them so no random person can walk in to see people arguing

    I'm sorry to anyone who has seen any of my 'arguments' with others, I never want to argue I just want to express my opinion and point of view

    I have gotten frustrated and said some bad things or phrased things wrong and that's bad of me, so I'm sorry to everyone I have fought with and everyone who had to see it

  • Yeah I get that

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