There's this annoying discord going on with akgaes and kpop fandoms/antis dragging Jungkook and saying he's "depressed/jobless/mentally unstable/etc" just because he's giving us videos of him enjoying his life at 4AM? Do these people not experience down time irl? Never experienced that feeling of not wanting to do anything or not wanting to work? If I could be a billionaire by not working and just chilling, I would readily try to achieve that. But it seems that Jungkook in particular can't exhibit human-like behavior without people micro-analyzing him as "depressed" And everything just ramped up after he deleted Instagram. Which mind you he barely used and almost all of social media except for Weverse (which that has bouts of hiatus from Jungkook too)
They have no clue that Jungkook just hates being socially active, that is now a fandom inside joke. He's a very reserved introverted guy to the max. Most of the time, we find out he's alive from other people, but then after not being socially active for over two months, he starts to make promises to ARMY, that he will try to come on more often on Weverse, and when he does it's now being made into something being wrong with him? I thought I wanted him to be more active but damn, not anymore. He can go back to ghosting us because some of this fandom does not deserve the effort he makes to connect with us. I know antis don't exhibit logical/critical skills so I won't even bother trying to reason with them but now they are starting to put this weird label on him as if he's just not living his best life after slaving for so many years to reach his very comfortable cushy position in life.
He literally made a song about how he didn't get to enjoy his youth.
He's having so much fun just sharing music and talking with ARMY that non-ARMY can't seem to not stalk what wasn't even for them in the first place,
What are your thoughts on this new wave of micro-analyzing, AKP ARMY?