Why are many female kpop stans like "men are bad... We hate men..." but then proceed to worship their oppars who are also men?

  • Someones been spending too much time at p@nnchoa

  • it's weird people bring up oppa's etc

    most kpop stans who have this mentality are the ones stanning female idols

    rose & irene even have been painted as some sort of menhating feminists when they both probably have been in multiple relationships with men.

    Irene is especially an odd one as the whole incident that doomed her career if anyone was girl on girl conflict no men involved.

  • Seems so ironic stupid and hypocritical

    i guess you are a salty man 8) . Also creepy men get that answer very often. If you were a righteous men you wouldn`t be recieving those lines. :sure-bee:

  • Cause they think their oppars aren't just any man, they think their special

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