Watashi Kono Mama de li no Kana (私このままでいいのかな; Am I Okay Like This?) is the eighteen major Japanese release and ninth Japanese studio album by South Korean singer BoA. It was released by Avex Trax on February 14, 2018
Am I Okay Like This? is the title track from this album.
Legend: Japanese lyrics in pink, romanized lyrics in orange, translations and english lyrics in default mode.
広いベッドは いつもの香り
hiroi beddo wa itsu mo no kaori
On the empty bed there’s still a lingering fragance
anata dake inai
But you are not there
これで最後の 恋にするはずが
kore de saigo no koi ni suru hazu ga
Thought it’d be my last love
But now I’m back to the starting point
Tell me 私のこと思うなら
Tell me watashi no koto omounara
Tell me if you still think of me
kirei na wakare wa iranai
Don’t want to break up
どこが ダメか 教えて ねえ お願い
doko ga dame ka oshiete nee onegai
Is there anything that I didn’t do well? Please let me know
kikitaku nai kedo
I don’t wanna ask
聞かなきゃもう 変われない
kikanakya mou kawarenai
But if I don’t, I can’t change
深く息をして あなたのナンバー
fukaku iki wo shite anata no nanbaa
Take a deep breath
ダメだ 押せない ああ
dame da osenai aa
No I can’t dial your number ah
また今日も素直に なれない バカだよね
mata kyou mo sunao ni narenai baka da yo ne
We still can’t treat each other candidly, am I silly?
居心地のいい人が 運命の相手だと
igokochi no ii hito ga unmei no aite da to
I truly believe the person who makes me feel right
shinjite ita kedo
Is the one for me
mijuku na watashi wo oshitsuketa dake
I’m immature and it’s just my wishful thinking
yasashisa ni amaete
I’m too dependent on your tenderness
Tell me 気づいたら周りはもう
Tell me kizuitara mawari wa mou
Tell me, when I realized
watashi wo shikatte kurenai
I found that people around me don’t scold me anymore
何が いけない 教えて ねえ お願い
nani ga ikenai oshiete nee onegai
Please tell me what I’ve done wrong
iitaku nai koto
Though I said something
言わせるけど 許して
iwaseru kedo yurushite
I didn’t intend to
最後のわがまま あなたのナンバー
saigo no wagamama anata no nanbaa
Please forgive my willfulness one more time
ダメだ 押せない ああ
dame da osenai aa
No I can’t press your number Ah
また今日も素敵に なれない
mata kyou mo suteki ni narenai
I’m still not extraordinary today
変わりたいのに ああ
kawaritai no ni aa
I really want to change
wakatteru no ni
I know clearly
同じ過ち 繰り返してばかり
onaji ayamachi kurikaeshite bakari
Commiting the same mistake again and again
kizutsuku koto ga kowaku te
Afraid of getting hurt
watashi kono mama de ii
Am I okay like this?
聞かずに来た でも
kikazu ni kita de mo
I’ve lived this far without asking the question
kikitaku nai kedo
I don’t wanna ask
聞かなきゃもう 変われない
kikanakya mou kawarenai
But if I don’t, I can’t change
深く息をして あなたのナンバー
fukaku iki wo shite anata no nanbaa
Take a deep breath
ダメだ 押せない ああ
dame da osenai aa
No I can’t dial your number ah
また今日も素直に なれない
mata kyou mo sunao ni narenai
We still can’t treat each other candidly
もっと素敵な私に なりたいのに
motto suteki na watashi ni naritai no ni
Even though I want to become more extraordinary