So I Married the Anti-fan

  • 210427-%EA%B7%B8%EB%9E%98%EC%84%9C-%EB%82%98%EB%8A%94-%EC%95%88%ED%8B%B0%ED%8C%AC%EA%B3%BC-%EA%B2%B0%ED%98%BC%ED%96%88%EB%8B%A4-%EB%A1%9C%EB%A7%A8%ED%8B%B1%EB%9F%AC%EB%B8%94%EB%A6%AC-%EB%B6%84%EC%9C%84%EA%B8%B0-%EB%AC%BC%EC%94%AC-%ED%92%8D%EA%B8%B0%EB%8A%94-%ED%8F%AC%EC%8A%A4%ED%84%B0-%EA%B3%B5%EA%B0%9C-1-scaled.jpg

    I. Introduction

    So I Married the Anti-fan is a 2021 South Korean streaming television series starring Choi Tae-joon, Choi Soo-young (SNSD), Hwang Chan-sung, Han Ji-an and Kim Min-kyu. It is based on the 2010 novel of the same title which was made into a comic and was also previously adapted into a Chinese film. It aired from April 30 to June 19, 2021 on Naver TV, with simultaneous broadcast through V Live and global platforms iQIYI, Viki and Amazon Prime Video in Japan.

    The drama is a pre-produced series. The first script reading of the cast was held on August 20, 2018, and filming began the same month. The release of the series was delayed for three years due to difficulties in finding a television network to broadcast it.

    II. Synopsis

    Who-Joon (Choi Tae-Joon) is a top star. Geun-Young (Sooyoung) is a magazine reporter. For potential news material, Geun-Young decides to attend an opening ceremony for a club. There, she witnesses top star Who-Joon's violent behavior and she also vomits on him by accident. This leads to Geun-Young losing her job. Geun-Young believes Who-Joon was behind her firing and she decides to do something about it. Every day, Geun-Young demonstrates in front of Who-Joon's management office. She begins to receive media coverage on her demonstration and soon Geun-Young becomes famous as an anti-fan. A PD approaches Geun-Young about participating in a reality TV show. The concept for the show revolves around a top star and their anti-fan living together. Geun-Young is in financial difficulties and accepts the offer. Meanwhile, Who-Joon is offered the same reality TV show and he accepts to improve his image. Who-Joon and Geun-Young try to give each other a hard time on the TV program, but they become attracted to each other.

    III. Trailers

    IV. Episodes

    V. OSTs


    VI. Reception

    The drama has so far, gotten the high scores of 8.0 on Mydramalist, 7.5 on IMDB, 9.2 on iQiyi &, 9.4 on Rakuten Viki.


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